
Am I Not Smart Enough for Replica IWC Watch?

Am I Not Smart Enough for Replica IWC Watch?


I came across this replica IWC watch and honestly, just looking at it made me feel smarter. Okay – I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but it did! There’s just so much going on with this replica watch… and I’m not sure if I’m confused or intrigued. What do you think?



And if you’re wondering, yes… yes I am a natural blonde. Seriously though, jokes aside… unless you’re a high tech with your replica watches, I think this IWC may be a little too much! That’s just my opinion… and I’m the one that rocks the digital “12:00″ replica watches… you know… the ones without the watch hands. Yeah… maybe you shouldn’t listen to anything I say. Just kidding! Just kidding! Please don’t leave…

Come back!


I’m just full of jokes today!iwc

Seriously though, on the other hand, this IWC replica watch is truly absolutely stunning! I mean, I would wear it… if I wasn’t so scared that someone was going to ask me about what it does and to demonstrate. I’d be stuck with a dumbfounded “ummmm” look on my face.

If it wasn’t for that terrifying moment that could potentially happen, I would be at the store right now, eager as all hell to purchase this replica IWC watch because it is a gorgeous piece. It’s chic, sharp and sophisticated.

I don’t know if it’s just me, or I need a new prescription for my glasses, but isn’t the face of this replica watch designed to resemble the globe? Or am I just extremely creative with my eyes? I think I’m right though – this time anyway.

See… I feel like my reaction to this IWC replica watch supports all stereotypes about people wearing these watches.

For example, I wouldn’t wear this replica watch because I feel like I am just not smart enough to do so or answer any questions about it. When I see people wearing a watch like this, I immediately assume they are of prestigious nature and intelligent.

My conclusion? Only sophisticated and intellectual people wear such detailed and sharp replica IWC watches.

On the bright side, if you aren’t any of those things, you can just wear a replica IWC and pretend that you are, since naturally, people assume IWC replica watch wearers are doctors, professors or surgeons.

Or maybe that’s just me?

There’s only one other replica IWC watch that I think makes people look smart, or smarter than they are, and its the replica IWC Big Pilot. It reminds me of an older man sitting in his ginormous mansion smoking expensive cigars.

…I think I watch too much TV.

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